
Susan Wilson posted in Mapleton School District
My apologies, this was saved as a draft and not shared last week, Sue WilsonSuperintendent
The cornhole fundraiser has been postponed. Please stay posted for an updated date and time. If you have any questions, reach out to Coach Clemons or Coach Dooley. 
PE Reminders
I hope you all are transitioning into the school year nicely. I wanted to provide a few reminders and updates regarding PE. Please encourage your student(s) to bring water bottles, wear closed toe shoes ( **requirement for PE** ) and wear athletic or loose fit clothing. If you need any support with purchasing items needed for PE please reach out to me directly or call the front office at 541-268-4322 and Jamie can get you connected to Terri Johnston our Community Support Liaison.  If you have any questions you can reach out to me directly via email [vclemons@mapleton.k12.or.us](mailto:vclemons@mapleton.k12.or.us)  or by phone 541-268-4322 Ext:224.
 Rummage Sale update
The Girls Basketball Program would like to thank everyone that donated or purchased items at the rummage sale this past weekend. We were able to raise over $1200 for our program. Go Sailors!

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